Friday, September 26, 2008

Religion and Money Death match (I know too philosophical and Iam not even high or drunk ....I know Iam surprised too)

well why write this is because I read a news which said Pastors are going to defy IRSHow come two man made things Religion and IRS are going to fight defy each others rules .... wow beats me to think GOD would love to see two
get on a ring and fight (by TWO I mean Religion and Money ).GOD would want front row seats for that so would I .Please GOD Get me those tickets
now keep reading.... I will tie this loose end sentence later I promise

All religions are based on the idea to answer two questions how did we come here? what will happen to you after you die? so that's what we will talk about

Let us Take 3 major Religions Christianity Islam Hinduism (home Team) , I know there are other religions but I need to be done before my life time in writing this blog.

Christianity : Their Holy book The Bible says Earth was formed in 7 days and earth is 4000 yrs , I would Love believe that but you what fucks it up ....logic .. because there are fossils nothing fucks up belief than LOGIC . After death we will go to heaven if we are good in on earth I will believe that but what If i don't like heaven and I want to come back to earth because I want to see sponge bob square pants I think watching sponge bob square pants when you are 29 yrs old is Heaven ..

Islam : All Iam asking is after being good on earth and getting 72 virgins to do what ever you want will they go away after sex and stick around and ask question "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?" if that's the case Iam taking hell if some one explain me that or swear me it wont happen I am Muslim

Hinduism : Iam really trying but I fail you know why Logic FUCKS everything up Iam just saying Hinduism not all the carp shoot sub sects which man has made ,I think Hinduism was the close in getting the time line of universe , they were close ,you are talking about religion to know GOD being close and missing by an inch doesn't cut it for me and you know why it doesn't cut it
rebirth Iam sure they just made that stuff up . this how it goes . you sin in your life you will
be born again as a lowliest living form say dung beetle , fine by me so my question is why are we not seeing dinosaurs are we not sinning as much to be born again as dinosaurs . or is it that dinosaurs is the highest form the Living being and they are all in heaven and we are getting fucked in earth ..

Phew.... I know now Iam going to try to tie the first thought to this one
this how it goes... what will happen if money or religion dies what will happen to them . Money cant go to heaven because without money you cannot buy porn so Money is definitely going to hell , and and if money is in hell where will religion go because from what I have seen all big shot temples and Churches and Mosques need money to run if they are not there how would religion survive ... what will happen if religion dies are we all going to hell because we made money and Killed religion .... you see where Iam Going with this . .. email me if you don't get the logic or just watch sponge bob Iam going to watch sponge bob because that makes more sense to me than religion ..

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