Wednesday, August 27, 2008

People who ruin TV !!!! for me

well let me say , I don't have to too much time to watch TV and If I do I want information
not the following

Glen Beck he calls himself a thinker not a reporter (iam not kidding) why he Ruins my TV time
is because all he says is he is a thinker but he doest , or may be his thinking comes from his ass
he will not accept science , or I think he is afraid that the liberals will take his money away and give to the poor (according to him are people who aren't thinking enough )

Chris Matthews His show is called HARDBALL it should be called SHOUTING MATCH
I thought reporters don't yell at the people who you are interviewing , watching his show is same as watching a cat stuck in a sack all yeah hear is noise and yelling not news or opinions

MTV I don't know what happens during the day on this channel, all i know is in the evening
all I see his People crying , bedroom cam and people jumping in to a pile of pudding
its called Reality shows .. well MTV can you change the name of your channel please
I thought M in MTV stood for Fucking MUSIC ... well what do I know I can just yell at the TV and pay the cable bill

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