Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Presidential Election 08 (USA), my 2 cents from guy who cant Vote

Well It's been a while since I blogged , had a lot things to blog about but I was just being lazy

First of my Mind What the SAM hill kind of politics is this , Iam Talking about the 2008 US Presidential Election , wow I always thought the most powerful and Democratic nation in the world would have some kind of common sense . (oh boy this is going to be a long post ) sorry folks ... if you want to sleep please read on , if you want to be useful for the rest of the day, I say STOP close this window immediately
For those of you who made it so far let me start with Sen Barack Obama. The First Possible Black President, nahhhh he is Half white have you seen his mother
and was raised him , that is it that's all he has to say when he is appealing white voters (I should get a job in his campaign) , as far as black voters this is what you got now half black so deal with it (don't leave angry comments ). Why is campaign makes me angry "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN" slogan , it would be nice if he takes the time to see what those changes are in a list and text message everybody at 3am like he did for his VP pick , may be then Republicans will shut up , and please stop showing of your wife on TV , I understand she is a part of your life and you love her for the past 19 years yay for you , but is she going to make the decision to go to war raise tax what ever I don't Think so , so please stop this nonsense please , Barack are you listening we are not voting for her... alright , The ladies in VIEW don't be mad at me. STOP appealing to Hillary Voters and stop patronising her, if you are all about honesty and stuff like that say why you are different than her may be smart Hillary voters will do some thinking and come to you , Instead of this BS... I can go on and on I will stop now on the Democrats

Republicans get a grip will you Sen John McCain we know you are a POW and a Maverick( later is Questionable) , Don't say you were right about Iraq war for sending in more troops makes you look like BUSH jr , and just so you know the Iraq people want a Timetable , they don't want bunch of Yankees in their streets I would be pissed if i saw that too so Just say we will make decision based on reality and admit that Iraq war was not a smart way to fight terrorism, I can go on and on on the war but lets move on. Barack is not a Terrorist who will change not a liberal who will change America like Russia he wont and cant got it . Now when democrats say you are old, just say nothing back that's what wise men do , and you know what will help reading about technology and not depending on your wife to send an Email that's a start to appeal to young voters . Comming back to people calling you a maverick stop this stupid AD
comparing Barack and Paris Hilton you can do this remember you are Maverick and Straight Talk express , all you have to do win is not make barack look bad make yourself look good with your ideas that could be change you can do , I need coffee Iam done rambling
Well I know Iam not going to change any of this no sense on TV or campaign
at least , guess what I cant even vote in this country haaaaaa ,but please I see people watching this nonsense and have to make up their mind to vote I don't think I can ... and if any one from campaign read this and wants to offer me a job (wink wink) remember I just take CASH

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